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In de charmante vallei van Everdell, onder de takken van torenhoge bomen, tussen meanderende beekjes en bemoste dalen, bloeit en groeit een beschaving van bosbeestjes. Van Everfrost tot Bellsong zijn er vele jaren voorbijgegaan maar de tijd is rijp voor nieuwe vestingen en nieuwe steden. Jij bent de leider zijn van een groep beestjes wiens taak het is om gebouwen te bouwen, levendige personages te ontmoeten en evenementen te hosten – je hebt een druk jaar voor jezelf. Zal de zon het helderst op jouw stad schijnen voordat de wintermaan opkomt?



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Everdell is a game of dynamic tableau building and worker placement.

On their turn a player can take one of three actions:

a) Place a Worker: Each player has a collection of Worker pieces. These are placed on the board locations, events, and on Destination cards. Workers perform various actions to further the development of a player's tableau: gathering resources, drawing cards, and taking other special actions.

b) Play a Card: Each player is building and populating a city; a tableau of up to 15 Construction and Critter cards. There are five types of cards: Travelers, Production, Destination, Governance, and Prosperity. Cards generate resources (twigs, resin, pebbles, and berries), grant abilities, and ultimately score points. The interactions of the cards reveal numerous strategies and a near infinite variety of working cities.

c) Prepare for the next Season: Workers are returned to the players supply and new workers are added. The game is played from Winter through to the onset of the following winter, at which point the player with the city with the most points wins.

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Tel: +31-206241171

Haarlemmerdijk 173

1013 KH Amsterdam

Email: info@schaakengo.nl

Opening Hours:

monday:       13.00 - 18.00
tuesday:       10.00 - 18.00
wednesday: 10.00 - 18.00
thursday:     10.00 - 18.00
friday:          10.00 - 18.00
saturday:     10.00 - 18.00
sunday:       12.00 - 17.00

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