

So you want to play Go? Volume 4 - 1dan to 4dan

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"So you want to play Go?" written by Jonathan Hop, 2008. Reviewed by Alexandre Dinerstein 3p.
Level 4 - 1dan to 4dan. Book for 'experts'. 229 pages.
Fourth and last book in a series of 4.

In this part Hop aims for the dan player. 'Positional Judgement' fulfils an important role, josekis and games are being commentated on and professional games are reviewed.
For complete table of content see extra product information.
It is loosely written, meaning that the writer tries to interact with the reader.

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Table of Content

Alexandre Dinerchtein                                     v
Introduction                                                       vii
Foreword                                                           xi
About the Author                                              xv
Rising through the Ranks                             xix

Learning about Weiqi
Chapter 1: Joseki                                             1
Chapter 2: Positional Judgement                 47
Interlude                                                             95
Chapter 3: Game Review                               99
Chapter 4: Professional Games                   159

Wrap Up
Afterword                                                            215
Joseki Glossary                                                217
Glossary of Terms                                            227

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