

Typical Mistake - Young Sun Yoon

- Engels
- Paperback
- 197 paginas
- 15 juli 2024

  • Gratis verzenden vanaf 60,- in NL.
  • Snel geleverd (1-3 dagen gem.)
  • Persoonlijk advies

Oh no ! I played like this, was this a mistake?

After years of teaching students, I’ve noticed that we all make the same kinds of mistakes over and over again.
However, most of these mistakes aren’t properly punished, so we often don’t realize them.
This leads to hard to break bad habits forming over time.
But don’t worry!
This book is your ultimate guide to identifying and correcting those common errors.
Remember, it’s okay to make mistakes, but it’s not okay to keep repeating them!
Through this book, you’ll not only learn the mistakes we often make but, more importantly, how to punish them effectively.
Let’s turn every mistake into an opportunity for growth and mastery!

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Typical Mistake - Young Sun Yoon
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