

Think Like a Pro: Haengma - Young Sun Yoon

- Engels
- Paperback
- 192 paginas
- 6 december 2023

  • Gratis verzenden vanaf 60,- in NL.
  • Snel geleverd (1-3 dagen gem.)
  • Persoonlijk advies

How do pros think differently?

This book covers basic haengma that frequently appear in practice and
moves that have recently become popular in professional matches.

With the advent of artificial intelligence, the jeong-seok and haengma
previously taken for granted have changed and continue to change.

However, most of the basic haengma are still useful in practice.

If your basic haengma is strong, you can overcome any situation without making a big mistake.
Through this book, you will learn the basic haengma and the great sense of the pros.
This will help you look at Baduk from a different perspective and improve your skills!

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Think Like a Pro: Haengma - Young Sun Yoon
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