

Milos Pavlovic- The Modernized Nimzo: Queen's Gambit Declined Systems

  • Gratis verzenden vanaf 60,- in NL.
  • Snel geleverd (1-3 dagen gem.)
  • Persoonlijk advies

The Nimzo-Indian and Queen's Gambit Declined are amongst black's soundest and most universal answers to 1.d4. In his trademark style, Milos investigates the most positional ways to proceed after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6. He analyses all the critical lines whilst also taking a close look at all the sidelines and gives Black many new possibilities to spice up the game. We are convinced that this book will bring you inspirational games and results.

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Milos Pavlovic- The Modernized Nimzo: Queen's Gambit Declined Systems
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